ArticleSuggestion is a content recommender system.

Its aim is to help you promote your blog posts, white papers, case studies and other writings. You can place its boxes on any of your subpages.

If you own a blog, an e-commerce site or web portal using it could help you to convince your readers to stay a little longer.

There are several reasons why installing ArticleSuggestion extends the time, the visitors spend on your site.

Here’s a few:

Personalized recommendations

Many e-commerce sites use recommendation engines, that offer very similar products to the ones, that the customers have purchased before.

But displaying posts, that your visitors have already read would be counterproductive.

Therefore we create individual user profiles and keep track of your visitors’ clicks. This allows us to understand what your visitors have or haven’t read.

If you chose our application your suggestions will be tailored to the distinct reading habits of your users. And if your visitors click on an article, they will never see its recommendations again.

Fresh and popular content

It's hard to predict, which articles will become truly popular among your users.

At the same time, you should only recommend your top-performing content for your visitors, as it has the largest chance of keeping them on your site.

This is why the algorithm of ArticleSuggestion compares the effects of your different posts.

After a short period of time, it filters out the ones that don’t perform well and replaces them with new articles.

This way we can ensure, that your recommendation boxes are always filled with fresh and popular posts, that have a high chance of grabbing your readers attention.

Relevant articles

Article Suggestion Great-Great fetures

You can significantly increase the time, the visitors spend with your content if you suggest a next step for them to take on each page of your site.

Of course, what you suggest to them matters a lot.

You shouldn’t recommend your pricing page for a visitor, who is in the early stage of the buyer's journey and have found your blog post accidentally.

A reader who usually comes to your site for book reviews is unlikely to click on the latest stock market news.

If you choose ArticleSuggestion, you’ll be able to define what type of content our engine should recommend on the different areas of your site.

You’ll be able to set up rules for the whole domain, the category pages, and the individual URLs as well.

Of course, the visitor's journey is influenced by many factors.

But recommending relevant posts with AticleSuggestion can take you closer to reaching your goals, and increasing conversions, impressions or CTR on your site.

Automatic uploading

You can send the articles that you wish to recommend on your site to our system three ways.

If you’d only like to suggest a few dozens of posts to your readers, you can simply paste their URLs into our web app.

As with hundreds or thousands of posts adding URLs one by one would be rather time-consuming, you can also use your RSS feeds or the Article Suggestion API to transfer the required information to us.

No matter which method you choose, you will always be able to control what kind of articles appear on the different areas of your site.

Suggestion boxes that match your site’s design

Article Suggestion Great fetures

You can easily personalize the appearance of the recommendation boxes with ArticleSuggestion.

It only takes a few clicks to set up the number and the position of the suggested items for any given page. If you’d like to you can also modify the CSS code of our boxes.

Our web application creates recommendations automatically from your articles’ metadata, but you can change the title, the description or the picture of any post suggestion if you have a better idea.

Detailed statistics

Our detailed reports and charts will show you exactly how many clicks or impressions the suggested posts and the different type of recommendation boxes received.

For example, after a few days of usage, you’ll be able to find out whether your visitors prefer the boxes that are under your articles or the ones that are next to them.

In a short time you will also be able to study the performance of the different content types, and for example, compare the CTR of your blog posts to your case studies in our boxes.

The collected data can help you to optimize the performance of ArticleSuggestion, and understand your audience on a deeper level.

Increased website stickiness

According to our experiences, visitors spend a longer time and read more posts on the websites, that use ArticleSuggestion.

Our application can help users to discover your best writings and get to know your website better.

Which could be extremely important, if the majority of your traffic comes from social media or the search engines; the visitors, who don’t leave your site after reading one blog post will more likely return to your site.

And when they do, you’ll have another chance to convince them to subscribe or become a customer.